Learn to Read Treasure Hunts

My young readers loved doing treasure hunts. It was a fun way to practice new reading skills. And, they enjoyed running from one clue to the next, deciphering the words and finding the next clue...and eventually the end.
Bookworm Bear is offering you printable treasure hunts clues to help the child (or children) in your life enjoy reading.
Click on the treasure hunt you want - and print out the pdf. Cut out the squares, and fold along the dotted lines so that the clue is on the inside, the clue number is on the front, and the little clue for you about where to hide it is on the back.
I have tried to use things and places in these clues that I think will be found in most homes. If a clue (or a series of clues) just doesn't work for you, please print out the blank clues pdf, and write a clue (or series of clues) similar to mine that work better for your child/your home.
At the end of each treasure hunt, my young readers got to select a sticker. You could include a sticker with the final congratulations clue if you wish. I used stickers because I wanted something small as treasure - something my children would like, but not something big or expensive. I wanted the treasure hunt to be a fun reward in itself, not to be overshadowed by a present each time.
I have arranged the treasure hunts in order - so that they gradually increase in reading difficulty. The pictures will become smaller, fewer pictures will appear, and the difficulty of the words will increase over time.
I suggest doing one or two treasure hunts per week. Or, if your child is reluctant, try one and see how it goes. Of course, you can help your child sound out the words on each clue. Over time, he/she will need less and less assistance.
[…] resources and ideas for book-related arts and activities. Just recently Patty has also created a Learn to Read Treasure Hunt series. These feature a printable treasure map that contains clues to decipher sending your […]
[…] Learn To Read Treasure Hunts […]
You developed these? Wow! I am sincerely impressed. What a great thing to do for your readers. When I have the time, I am going to write a post about your treasure hunts and point my readers here. I hope that is okay. I have yet to read your about page, but I get the feeling you would nit mind. If so, drop me a line.
Thanks, Sue. I’d love for you to post about them. My children loved doing these when they were learning to read – I hope they will help other children learn to read in a fun way. Let me know if you need anything for your post. Thanks for stopping by and checking out the treasure hunts!
[…] Learn To Read Treasure Hunts […]
Cute printables! I used to make treasure hunts for my son for reading practice. Thanks for sharing this cute idea.
My children loved doing these, too – funny you did them with your son when he was learning as well. Thanks for visiting – and checking out the learn to read treasure hunts!