The Dot

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds

This is a wonderful story about a girl named Vashti and how she learns about her creative spirit.

Vashti sits angrily in her art classroom after class staring at her blank piece of paper.  She thinks she is bad at art, that she can't draw -- so she hasn't drawn anything at all.

Vashti's art teacher talks with her in a friendly way, and encourages her to "just make a mark and see where it takes you."

And Vashti does.  She takes a marker and makes an angry jab at the paper.  "There!" she says.  The art teacher studies Vashti's paper, then quietly asks her to sign it.  Vashti does.


And that is the beginning of Vashti's journey.  The next week Vashti finds that the art teacher has hung her dot (angry marker jab) in a frame above the teacher's desk.  Vashti grumps to herself a bit, and decides she can make a better dot than the one in the frame.

Vashti starts painting.  She experiments with dots in different colors.  Then she discovers she can make new colors by mixing the ones in the watercolor paint box.  She makes huge dots.  She makes a dot by painting everything except the dot - leaving a paper-colored dot.  Vashti happily finds the creative spirit in herself.

The school has an art show - and Vashti has many of her dots in the show.  A younger boy approaches her and says:  "You're a really great artist.  I wish I could draw."  Vashti tells him she bets he can draw.  Then:

"Vashti smiled.  She handed the boy a blank sheet of paper.  "Show me."

The boy's pencil shook as he drew his line.

Vashti stared the boy's squiggle.  And then she said....

"Please...sign it."


  1. howtoteachanovel on February 21, 2013 at 2:45 am

    I’m a huge Peter H. Reynolds fan, so I enjoyed being reminded of this book (I posted years ago on Ish at I found you via the Kid Lit Bloh Hop, and would be honored if you came by and visited me as well at

  2. Monika (@lovelybookshelf) on February 22, 2013 at 10:53 pm

    This sounds like such a sweet and unique book, thanks for sharing it! (Came over via the Kid Lit Blog Hop)

  3. Katie on February 24, 2013 at 6:07 pm

    I absolutely adore this book! Thank you for sharing your review with the Kid Lit Blog Hop!

  4. sibelhodge on February 24, 2013 at 6:15 pm

    Hi, I’m stopping by as part of the Kid Lit Blog Hop. This looks like a fab book, thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  5. Renee@MD BookReviews (@MDBookReviews) on February 26, 2013 at 5:39 am

    I love that closing line!! Awesome! I’ve seen this book before – great book! Love it! Thanks for linking it into the Kid Lit Blog Hop. 🙂 New follower via email…

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