The Secrets of Stonehenge

The Secrets of Stonehenge by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom

secretsofstonehengeIn this non-fiction picture book, Manning and Granstrom take a close look at Stonehenge.  This is an informational picture book for slightly older children, or for preschoolers and up with a strong interest and longer attention span.

Manning and Granstrom begin their book in Stone Age Britain 10,000 years ago, and continue through the Neolithic age with first farmers 6,000 years ago, the idea of gods and goddesses 5,000 years ago, to the beginning of Stonehenge 5,000 years ago.  Construction progressed in stages – with the digging of a ditch, bank construction and digging of Aubrey holes (that likely held wooden posts) 5,000 years ago.  The 80 bluestones came from the Welsh mountains on boats and rafts 4,500 years ago.  And, the giant saren stones were moved from Marlborough Downs after that (still 4,500 years ago), carved into shape, raised into pits, and capped with lintel stones.

The authors discuss the technology of the times, and how the people might have moved, carved, and raised the stones – and that it might have taken most of the people in the South of England.  The authors also explore what the stones might have been for – and what sort of ceremonies might have taken place there.  They discuss the importance of the solstices – midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset.

Pages also discuss nearby Durrington Walls that might have been a gathering and feasting place associated with Stonehenge.  The authors talk about the ancient peoples, how archeologists find clues in graves and near important gathering places, and important discoveries like the Amesbury Archer and the Stonehenge Archer.

There is a glossary of terms at the end of the book, as well as a short, illustrated timeline on the inside covers.

This is an excellent book for introducing readers to the mysteries of Stonehenge.

To learn more about the authors, visit


  1. Jess@Fairday's Blog on November 14, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    I don’t recall seeing any other books about Stonehenge. That makes me very curious about this book. It sounds fascinating! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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