Children’s Book Week

The 94th Annual Children’s Book Week is May 13 – May 19.  Celebrate children’s books, young readers, and encourage a love of reading.  Look for events in your local school, library, and bookshops.

The Children’s Book Week website explains:

Book-Week-Poster_1-lo-resChildren’s Book Week is the annual celebration of books for young people and the joy of reading.

Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. Every year, commemorative events are held nationwide at schools, libraries, bookstores, homes — wherever young readers and books connect!

One of the highlights of Children’s Book Week is the Children’s Choice Book Awards, the “only national book awards program where winning titles are selected by young readers of all ages.”  The 2013 Award winners will be announced at the Children’s Choice Book Awards Gala on May 13 in New York City.  You can see a list of the 2013 finalists here.

GraceLinbookmarklinkI came across these wonderful bookmarks by children’s author Grace Lin on the Children’s Book Week site.  They are free for printing, and also include some easy instructions for drawing a Chinese Dragon head.


And, to celebrate Children’s Book Week here on Bookworm Bear, I’ll be joining in a Kid Lit Giveaway Blog Hop next week – more on that later.




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