Picture Books

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost, illustrated by Susan Jeffers In this wonderful book, Jeffers’ illustrations beautifully accompany Frost’s winter poem.  Jeffers shows a man on a horse-drawn sleigh traveling through snowy woods. The man stops to leave food (seeds, grasses, and branches) for the forest animals.  The man also makes…

Winter Solstice

The Shortest Day – Celebrating the Winter Solstice by Wendy Pfeffer, illustrated by Jesse Reisch Why does it get dark earlier at night in Winter than in Summer?  What is Solstice?  Pfeffer addresses these questions and others in this colorful book about the Winter Solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere, near December 21, the sun reaches…

Ella Sets the Stage

Picture book heroes come in all shapes, colors, sizes, and species.  Some are headstrong and rush ahead despite warnings.  Some are frightened, but face their fears.  Some are cats, or dogs, or purple aliens. My family found a shy, yet strong hero in a young elephant.  In Ella Sets the Stage by Carmela and Steven…

Row Row Row Your Boat

  Songs like Row, Row, Row Your Boat, the ABC song, and The Itsy Bitsy Spider are among the first songs that young children learn.  When my son was turning two, he loved all forms of music and rhythms.  This was one of his favorite books – perhaps because he could sing along with it.…

The Big Orange Splot

What happens when a seagull carrying a can of bright orange paint flies over very neat and orderly street and drops the can of paint on someone’s house? The Big Orange Splot by Daniel Manus Pinkwater can be simply a fun picture book, or it could have a few messages about expressing yourself and following…

Kiss Good Night

Bedtime often is hard for young children.  Maybe it has something to do with being alone and away from their trusted grownup.  Saying goodnight, and actually staying in bed to fall asleep, was difficult for my children when they were preschooolers. Kiss Good Night by Amy Hest (illustrated by Anita Jeram) was a bedtime favorite. …

Duck in the Truck

Every now and then the students in my son’s class at school read to the children in the preschool program.  When my son learns about this early enough to plan, he brings in a favorite book to read to the younger children:  Duck in the Truck by Jez Alborough. Readers meet Duck through rhyming text…

Click, Clack, Moo

November is Picture Book Month (http://picturebookmonth.com/calendar/).  What a great idea to celebrate the first connection to books most children have – and don’t we all remember a few favorites even as adults? Tuesday was a farm theme day in the Picture Book Month calendar.  One of my favorite farm-themed picture books is Click Clack Moo…

Hurricanes and Children’s Books

Where I live, people still are recovering from a hurricane (well, a tropical storm).  A little over a year ago, Tropical Storm Irene blew through Vermont leaving behind a mess of flooded rivers, power outages, and flooded towns and farms.  Last week another hurricane came up the East Coast.  While Vermont escaped the worst of…


  1. furryknowsbest on December 30, 2012 at 4:13 am

    Great books! Some are old favorites of mine, such as the splot book, but others, I am going to have to try! Thanks for sharing!

  2. bookwormbear on December 30, 2012 at 2:09 pm

    Thanks for taking a look! I hope you enjoy the books.

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